Department of
Periodontology & Implantology

/ About / Institute / Departments
Periodontology is the subject which deals with gum diseases, its effects and its treatment. Considering that a large proportion of the population suffers from gum disease, our dedicated team provides optimal and timely oral health care to the needy. The department conducts a three year post graduation program (MDS) in the subject to develop dentists who can bring great integrity to the profession by possessing high expertise and clinical knowledge.
Periodontics is that specialty of dentistry which encompasses the prevention diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the supporting and surrounding tissues of the teeth or their substitutes, such as dental implants. The specialty also concerns itself with the maintenance of health, function and esthetics of these structures and tissues.
Out patient section is equipped with 38 electrically operated dental chairs ,ultra sonic scalers, electro cautery and lasers. Department has a library chamber and also a sterilization chamber placed for the prompt sterilization of instruments.
Undergraduate Education program provides lectures and seminars, Clinical experiences and clinical teaching in the last two years of the four year dental curriculum. Students are exposed to a wide range of patients with periodontal problems and all students get extensive clinical experience in non surgical and observation and assistance in surgical periodontal procedures.
Specialized Periodontal Treatment:
Flap Surgery, Osseous Regenerative Surgery, Osseous Regenerative Surgery
Soft Tissue Surgical Treatment
Periodontally Accelerated Osteogenic Orthodontics(PAOO)
Autogenous & Allograftic bone regeneration Treatment.
Guided tissue and bone regeneration treatment.
Implant surgical procedures & Host Modification Producers.
Laser and Piezotome Assisted Surgeries.

Dr. R.G. Shiva Manjunath
Professor and Head

Dr. Jaishree Garg

Dr. Ashutosh Agarwal
Assistant Professor

Dr. Hirak S. Bhattacharya

Dr. Rika Singh
Associate Professor

Dr. Manvi Chandra Agarwal

Dr. Prerna Agarwal
Associate Professor
Dr. Ashutosh Agarwal got the Best Paper Prize in paper presentation at 15th ISP PG Convention, Bhubhneswar, Orrisa
Dr. Priyansha Rathore got the Best Best Paper Prize in 39th IDA UP State Dental Conference, Nainital, Uttrakhand
Dr. Anugrah Saxena got the Best Paper Prize in 39th IDA UP State Dental Conference, Nainital, Uttrakhand
Dr. Sanjog Narang got the Best Paper Prize in 39th IDA UP State Dental Conference, Nainital, Uttrakhand
Dr. Sana Khan and Dr. Bimmi Shukla got Best Paper Prize in Paper Presentation at 28th ISDR Conference Ghaziabad in the year 2016
Perioadhayan: A Rapid Review for Exam Going Post Graduates organized from 30th Jan 2014 to 1st Feb 2014.
Oral Hygiene Day: Oral Hygiene Day was celebrated on 1st August 2015.
Periomanthan: A Continued Dental Education Programmeover Live Demonstration and Lecture over Dental Implant Placement.
Oral Hygiene Day: Oral Hygiene Day was celebrated on 1st August 2016.
Continued Dental Education/Public Awareness Activities
1. Progressive periodontal disease has a simultaneous incremental elevation of gingival crevicular fluid and serum CRP levels ,Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry .vol, 1, 133–138, 2010.
2. Benefits of live microorganisms (probiotics) in periodontal health. International journal of contemporary dentistry .vol,2, 97-100, (2011)
3. Role of Antioxidants as an adjunct in periodontal therapy” Journal of Advanced dental research .Vol 2; Issue 2: May 2011
4. Elephantiasis gingiva in 13 year old boy – A case report Journal of International Dental and Medical Research-vol,4(no 1)30-34,2011(ISSN;1309-100)
5. Role of Neuropeptidesin etiopathogenesis of periodontal inflammation. An overview. International journal of contemporary dentistry- vol 2: issue5:105-109, October 2011.
6. Bilateral Accessory cusps in Deciduous and Permanent molars: A case report. RGUHS J Dental Sciences.March 2012/vol 4/ issue 1: pg no 65-67
7. Clinical Evaluation of Effect of Chlorine Dioxide Mouth rinse on Plaque Induced Gingivitis and Oral Malodour- A Comparative Study. Journal of Dental Sciences & Oral Rehabilitation Oct - Dec 2013/ vol 4/ pg no 22-25
8. Estimattion Of C-reactive Protein In Gingival Crevicular Fluid As Biomarker In Periodontal Health And Disease. Indian journal of dental sciences. 2013 | Vol. 5 | Issue 5 : Page : 23-26.
9. A Two Way Periodontal Approach For Preventing Relapse In Midline Diastema Cases. Indian Journal of Dental Sciences. September 2014 Issue:3, Vol.:6/ pg no 71-73.
10. Recurrent Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma - A Rare Case Report.Indian Journal of Dental Sciences. September 2014. Vol. 6 | Issue 3 : Page : 50-52
11. Role of GCF as a Potential Biomarker in the diagnosis of the periodontal tissue. Journal of Dental sciences & oral rehabilitation . April-June 2013/ Page no 1-4.
12. Crown lengthening by apically displaced flap and ostectomy: A case report. Indian journal of dental sciences. March 2015; issue 1, vol;7, Page 77-79.
13. Diabetes and its association with periodontal tissue-A review. International journal of contemporary medical research. Vol-2/ issue 1:2015.
14. LASER assisted excision of Pyogenic Granuloma associated with localized alveolar bone loss: a case report. International journal of scientific study, May 2014: vol 2/ issue 2: Pg no 87-90.
15. Periodontal ligament stem cell: an update. Journal of advanced clinical and research insights. Vol 1:3. Nov-Dec 2014.Pg no 120-122.
16.Gingival Biotype assessment in a Healthy Periodontium: Transgingival probing method. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research. May-2015, vol-9(5), pg no 66-69.
17. Periodontal vaccine- a review: International journal of current research in life sciences.vol 20, Pg no 45-49.July 2005.
18. Gingival degigmentation using surgical excision technique: A histopathological case series. Journal of medical sciences and clinical research. Vol 03 issuue10 oct: pg no 7940-7945
19. Platelet-rich plasma: is it ready to use? Journal of dental sciences and oral rehabilitation: july-september 2015:6(3) :pg no 115-120
20. Palatoradicular grove: A local factor for local pathology. Journal of dental sciences and oral rehabilitation, Jul-sept 2015:6(3): 121-124.
21. Laser assisted sulcular debridement – A case report. Journal of dental sciences and oral rehabilitation, Jul-sept 2015:6(3): 145-147.
22. Virus and their effect on Periodontal disease progression. Journal of dental sciences and oral rehabilitation, Apr-june 2015:6(2): 58-62.
23 Obesity and Periodontal disease. Journal of dental sciences and oral rehabilitation, Apr-june 2015:6(2): 67-71
24. Effect of periodontally accelerated Osteogenic orthodontics(PAOO) on Periodontium: A case report. Journal of dental sciences and oral rehabilitation, Jul-Sep 2013:pg no 29-34.
25. Association of Psychosocial stress and Periodontal disease.Journal of dental sciences and oral rehabilitation, oct- dec 2014:5(4): 173-176.
26. Role of Neuropeptide in Etiopathogenesis of Periodontal inflammation .A review. International journal of contemporary dentistry; oct.2011-2(5); Pg no 105-109.
27. Aerosol, a health hazard during ultrasonic scaling: -A clinico microbiological study. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research. 2016; vol 27 page 160-163.
28. Does hypertension have association with Periodontitis – a cross sectional study. Journal of dental sciences and oral rehabilitation.2016, vol 7(5) :pg no 155-158.
29. Coronally repositioned flap combined with platelet rich fibrin and frenectomy to obtain root coverage over the maxillary central incisors. Journal of dental sciences and oral rehabilitation.2016, vol 7; no4: pg no 182-186
30. Pregnency tumor: a concern for pregnant females. Journal of dental sciences and oral rehabilitation.2016, vol 7; no4: pg no 191-194.
31. Estimation and Comparison of Osteopontin levels in plasma in subjects with healthy periodontium and generalized chronic periodontitis and its assessment after scaling and root planning in Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology,Year : 2012 ,Volume : 16,Issue : 3 ,Page : 354-357- as 1ST AUTHOR (PUBMED)
32. Effects of Various Surface Treatments of Heat Cure Polymethyl methacrylate Denture Basis on the Tensile Bond Strength of Soft Liners- IJOCR July-Sept 2015; Volume 3 Issue 9- 4TH AUTHOR(NATIONAL MEDICAL UNIVERSITY JOURNAL)
33. Polymerase Chain Reaction : A new era in detection of Periodontopathogens- Journal of Research and Advancements in Dentistry 2015;4:2:299-305- 4TH AUTHOR (PUBMED)
Non Specific Conditioned Enlargement (Pyogenic granuloma): A Case Series- International Journal of Scientific Research, June Issue- 2013- 1ST AUTHOR
Implant Supported Mandibular Overdenture with Bilateral Balanced Occlusion: A Case Report ,In Journal of Oral Health Community Dentistry 2015;9 (1) 44-46- 2ND AUTHOR
Role of Saliva as Biomarkers for Periodontal Diagnosis- Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume 4, 2014, Issue 11- 2ND AUTHOR
An Insight into Saliva and its role in Periodontal Disease- Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research ,2014, Volume 2, Issue 11- 2ND AUTHOR
Non Surgical Management of Large Periapical Lesions of Endodontic Origin: A Case Series- Journal of Health and Community Dentistry 2014, Volume 3- 3RD AUTHOR
The effectiveness of three different plant extracts used as irrigant in removal of smear layer: A scanning electron microscope study- Journal of Oral Health and Coomunity Dentistry 2015, 4th AUTHOR
Growth Factors in Periodontal Repair and Regeneration- Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research 2016; 4:2 :20-25- 3rd AUTHOR
Ashish Agarwal, Narinder Dev Gupta, Avikal Jain. “Platelet rich fibrin combined with decalcified freeze dried bone allograft for the treatment of non contained human infrabony periodontal defects: a randomized controlled split mouth study”. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2015 (Pubmed) (impact factor 1.13)
“Platelet rich plasma combined with decalcified freezedried bone allograft for the treatment of noncontained human infrabony periodontal defects: arandomized controlled split mouth study”.International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry2014;34(5):705–711. (Pubmed25171042) (impact factor 1.08)
“Comparative evaluation of decalcified freeze-dried bone allograft use alone and in combination with polylactic acid, polyglycolic acid membrane in the treatment of noncontained human periodontal infrabony defects”.Quintessence International2012; 43(9):761-768. (Pubmed 23041990), ISSN NO. 0033-6572 (print)ISSN 1936-7163 (online) (impact factor 0.70)
Ashish Agarwal, HS Bhattacharya, G Srikanth, A Singh. Comparative evaluation of decalcified freeze dried bone allograft with and without local doxycycline in non-contained human periodontal infrabony defects.Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology 2013;17(4):90-94. (Pubmed24174730)
Combination of bone allograft, barrier membrane and doxycycline in the treatment of infrabony periodontal defects: a comparative trial. Accepted:Saudi dental journal
Ashish Agarwal, Narinder Dev Gupta. Prevalence of Self-reported Medical Conditions and Drugs Used in Periodontally Compromised Geriatric Population. Journal of periodontology and implant dentistry 2013;5(2):66-70.(official publication of Iranian Association of Periodontology, published by Tabriz University of Medical Sciences) ISSN (print) 2008-7748, ISSN (online) 2008-7756.
Agarwal Ashish. “Comparative evaluation of connective tissue graft with semilunar coronally repositioned flap and with envelope flap for the management of interdental papilla” American journal of esthetic dentistry 2012; 2(4) 256-262, ISSN 2162-2833 (print) ISSN 2162-2841 (online)
Agarwal A. Unusual gingival fibromatosis with aggressive periodontitis. Minerva Stomatologica 2013;62(3):89-91. (Pubmed 23518779) ISSN 0026-4970 Anofficial journal of ITALIAN SOCIETY OF ODONTOSTOMATOLOGY AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY.
Agarwal A. Pleiotropy of chemically modified tetracycline. Journal of pharmacy and bioallied sciences. 2013;5:242-243. pubmed
Agarwal A. Aspirin intake: Can be a confounding factor in clinical trial for periodontal disease. Journal of pharmacy and bioallied sciences. 2013;5(4):328. pubmed
Agarwal A. Osteogenic action of antidiabetic drug metformin in periodontal disease. Journal of pharmacy and bioallied sciences. 2013;5(4) :327. pubmed
SSV Prasad, Srikanth G, Sathynaryana KV, Ashish Agrawal. “Semilunar coronally positioned flap for the treatment of gingival recession: A Twelve months follow up study”.International Journal of Dental Update2012;2(2):1-7. OFFICIAL J Royal Eurasian Academy of Dental Surgeons.e ISSN: 2277 – 1727
Agarwal Ashish, Srikanth G, Bhattacharya HS, Prasad SSV. Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma: A Case Series. International Journal of Dental Update 2012;2(1):33-38.
Agarwal Ashish, Bhattacharya HS, Semi MS. Periodontal Plastic Surgery For Alveolar Ridge Augmentation: A Case Report. Indian Journal of Dental Sciences 2012;4(2) 87-89. ISSN 2231-2293 (E), 0976-4003(P) Kalsi It Solutions PUBLISHER, OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF H. P. UNIVERSITY SHIMLA
Jindal MK, Sharma VK, Ahmed I, Agarwal Ashish. Langerhans cell histiocytosis of maxilla and mandible in 6 year old child: A case report. International journal of clinical pediatric dentistry 2009;2(2):45-49. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.. ISSN (print): 0974-7052. ISSN 0975-1904 (E)
Agarwal Ashish, Bhattacharya HS. Peripheral Cementifying Fibroma. Journal of dental esthetic and function 2012;1(1);13-14. ISSN NO. 2278-7488
Agarwal Ashish, Bhattacharya HS, Agarwal Anjali, Mehrotra Shalabh. Mangemnt of infrabony defect with decalcified freeze dried bone allograft. Journal of dental sciences & oral rehabilitation 2012;3(1):46-47. ISSN NO. 2231-1491, OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF INSTITUTE OF DENTAL SCIENCES
Agarwal M, Mittal M, Mehrotra S, Agarwal Ashish. Black triangle and its reconstruction: a review. Journal of dental sciences & oral rehabilitation 2011;2(4): 55-56.
Agarwal A. Laser in dentistry. Journal of dental science and oral rehabilitation 2012;3(2): 6-9.
Agarwal A. Qurouum sensing: Communication sense of bacteria. Indian journal of oral science 2014;5(2):63-67. (An official publication of Medical Education And Rural Welfare Society)
Sidharth Shankar, Shankar T Gokhale, Ashish Agarwal, R G Shiva Manjunath. Laser assisted excision of pyogenic granuloma associated with localized alveolar bone loss: a case report. International journal of scientific study 2014;2(2):87-90.e - ISSN: 2321 - 595X, p - ISSN: 2321 – 6379
Sidharth Shankar, Shankar T Gokhale, Ashish Agarwal, Kausar P Khan, Garima Singh. Guided Bone Regeneration for Fenestration Defects in Dental Implants: Surgical Techniques and Case Presentation with Review. Journal of Dental Sciences and Oral Rehabilitation 2014;5(2):107-110. ISSN: 2231-1491
Avikal Jain, Ashish Agarwal, Shankar T. Gokhale1, R. G. Shiva Manjunath, Neha Mishra. Periodontal ligament stem cell: An update. Journal of Advanced Clinical & Research Insights2014; 1:120–122. eISSN: 2393-8625
Ashish Agarwal, Nitin Rastogi. Knowledge, Behaviour, and Attitude of Geriatric Population towards Periodontal Esthetic in and around Bareilly District, Western Uttar Pradesh, India.International Journal of Advanced Dental Science and Technology 2014; 1 (1):41-46.
Ashish Agarwal. Non-Plaque-Induced Gingivitis Associated With Nicotinamide: A Case Report. International journal of Stomatology and Occlusion Medicine 2014;7(4):115-117. DOI 10.1007/s12548-014-0115-1 (official publication of Austrian Society of Dentistry, Springer publication)
Nitin Rastogi, Ashish Agarwal, Mayank Shah. A Comprehensive Aesthetic and conservative approach for anterior teeth with enamel hypoplasia: A Case Report. Journal of Dental Sciences and Oral Rehabilitation 2014;5(3):158-160.
Ashish Agarwal. Pleiotropic Properties of Amniotic Membrane for Modulation of Periodontal Healing. International Journal Of Dental And Medical Research 2014;1(3):110-117. (E-ISSN 2349-6401 & P-ISSN: 2349-8579)
Dr.N.D.Gupta1, Dr.Ashish Agrawal 2, Dr.Neha Agrawal 3, Dr.Pramod Yadav Gingival Depigmentation by Different Technique: A Case Series. IOSR-JDMS 14, Issue 12 Ver. VII (Dec. 2015)93-97.
Ashish Agarwal, sanjaygmbhir, RG Shiva manjunath. Excision of localized growth of tongue with Diode laser. J Dent Sciences and oral Rehabilitation 2016;7;198-201.