/ About / Institute / About Us
Institute of Dental Sciences is one of the sister institute of Rohilkhand charitable Educational Trust(Regd.) situated in one of the major city of Rohilkhand Region Bareilly previously in historic era called as capital of Rohilkhand region. Our College receive patient from all 8 districts of the Rohilkhand region which is of having an area of about 25,000 Square Kilometres.
It is one of the premier institute in this region which is providing superspeciality clinics for Oral Health Care. Institute is founded in year 2002 and Post graduation was started in the year 2008. It is associated with its own sister institute named Rohilkhand Medical College and Hospital which is one of the biggest medical college in the region.
Institute of Dental Sciences (SDS) formerly was established in the year 2002. Now, part of Bareilly International University, it envisions an ambiance of excellence, inspiring, value based education, research and development. IDS is a Recognized Dental College for an intake of 100 admissions for BDS Programme and 38 admissions in seven MDS Programmes by Dental Council of India and Ministry of Health & Family welfare, New Del h I. IDS provides comprehensive facilities for teaching, research and patient care.. The classroom learning with state-of-the-art infrastructure adequately supported for clinical training in dental hospital having more than 285 electrical dental chairs with all other latest equipment's and amenities.
It has super specialties in the areas of Oral Medicine & Radiology, Prosthodontics, Conservative Dentistry, Periodontology, Orthodontics, Oral Surgery, Oral Pathology & Microbiology, Pedodontics, Public Health Dentistry and Implantology, providing an Ideal environment to excel. Library is having more than 6000 books and required numbers of National and International print and ejournals. The examination and evaluation Is conducted by Sharda University. 14 batches of BDS students and 13 batches of MDS students have passed out from this institute. Recognitions: School of Dental Sciences Is recognized by Min. of Health & Family welfare, Govt. of India and Dental Council of India New Delhi for the admission of 100 seats per year for BDS Programme and 38 seats per year for nine MDS.
Key Departments: School of Dental Sciences has nine Departments and one Continuing Dental Education unit; all departments are complimenting with each other in training the dental students and also to cater all types of dental patients. Oral Medicine and Radiology: Identifying the basic disease of the oral cavity (Mouth) including the teeth and jaws, and administrating medical line of treatment Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Surgical line of treatment of the Jaws, Teeth Gums. Treatment may be as simple as removal of tooth to performing major surgeries like in Accident cases, Cancer Patients, & also placing the Implants, new trends in dentistry. Periodontology: This department deals with diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases related to gums and supporting tissues, Placing the dental implants & Maintenance of dental implant supported dentures. Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics: Related to the management of malaligned Jaws &teeth and improving the appearance of the patients. Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics: This department Is specialized in performing simple filling of the decayed tooth/ teeth, root canal treatment, Crown fabrication, Bleaching etc. Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry Related to the all kind of treatment for dental diseases done in children till 14years of age Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge: This is the specialty in replacing missing tooth/teeth by making the partial denture, complete denture, crown & Bridges, and construction of missing part of the structure of Maxilla facial region. And actively involved in making Implant supported Dentures.Public Health Dentistry: Related to Creating the Dental health awareness among the public by conducting regular Camps, Meetings, Survey etc... Oral Pathology and Microbiology: Department is related to the learning of the different pathological process involving the Oral Cavity and its involvement in systemic disease and also teaching the undergraduate about morphology of the tooth/teeth. A dedicated continuing dental education unit is actively involved in conducting various scientific activities which are useful for both staff and students. All departments contribute in organizing these activities.
Established with an aim of developing top dentists, Institute of Dental Sciences has evolved into one of the leading Dental Schools in India. From the moment students arrive, they are considered to be the members of the dental community and are challenged to meet the expectations of all.
Labs are enforced with latest technology with focus on making student learns the use of latest equipment.
Since year 2002 we are in streamline process of educating dental students.
BDS and MDS Students learns medical science at its constituent school of medicine to have more insight in field.

College is equipped with all latest technology like Microscope, Radiology, LASER and Excluisve Implantology Section.